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Meals Served

Meals Of Happniess

Meals of Happiness (MoH) is a non-profit organization committed to alleviating hunger and supplying nourishing meals to disadvantaged individuals throughout India. At MoH, we offer warm meals to children from poor backgrounds and underprivileged workers suffering from cancer. Presently, Meals of Happiness serves approximately 700-800 hot meals daily to needy children, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Furthermore, MoH provides monthly provisions to more than 150 families of rural patients.
we understand the profound challenges faced by underprivileged cancer patients and their families. Battling a life-threatening illness while navigating unfamiliar territories can be an overwhelming experience, leaving many in dire need of comprehensive support.
Our Work

How We Work To Make A Difference

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At MoH, we hold the belief that prioritizing child nutrition and education lays the foundation for human development. Through our "Earn Your Own Meal" initiative, we empower female artisans, providing them with a platform to showcase their talents and secure a sustainable livelihood. Additionally, we offer skill development programs to refine their craft and expand their economic opportunities.
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Every Meal We Serve Creates Happiness!!

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Make a Difference, Volunteer with Meals of Happiness!

Become a volunteer with Meals of Happiness and be a part of our mission to alleviate hunger and provide nutritious meals to those in need. Whether you can spare a few hours or commit to regular shifts, your contribution will make a meaningful impact on the lives of underprivileged children and vulnerable communities.

Volunteering Areas

Web Designer 100%
Content creation
Web Designer 100%
Field work & mobilisation
Web Designer 100%
Knowledge Management
Web Designer 100%
What We Do

What We Do

Access to sufficient, nutritious food is a fundamental human entitlement. Through our food distribution initiatives, Meals of Happiness endeavors to realize this entitlement for marginalized communities grappling with hunger and poverty.
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Expert Team Member

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Ration Kits Distributed
Our aim is to reach 30 lakhs by 2026
Cancer patients supported
Our aim is to reach 50,000 by 2026
Meals Served
Our aim is to reach 2 Cr by 2026
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Team Members

Our testimonials

What They’re Talking

Latest News

Strength in Unity : Together, We Fight Hunger

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