What We Do

What We Do

Access to adequate, nutritious food is a basic human right. Through our Food Distribution programs, Meals of Happiness aims to fulfil this right for underserved communities facing hunger and poverty.

Hot Meal Program

No Child Should Go Hungry

In partnership with local hotels, restaurants and volunteers, we provide hot, home -cooked meals to vulnerable children daily. Over 1,00,00,000 meals have been served to date across India. Hot meals offer sustenance as well as dignity and comfort to children who may otherwise go without. Our team delivers to doorsteps ensuring every child is fed.

Nutritional Rations for Migrant Patients and families

Fuelling Health and Recovery

Receiving medical treatment takes immense physical and financial tolls on families who may struggle to afford proper nutrition. Through strategic partnerships with hospitals, we distribute monthly ration supplies including grains, lentils, oil, fruit and vegetables to migrant patients and caregivers. Over 15,000 families annually receive fortified rations scientifically formulated for optimal health during recovery.

Impact and Growth

Addressing Needs & Support

Rigorous monitoring and evaluation ensure supplies reach those most in need. Feedback from recipients helps us continually enhance the nutritional quality and cultural appropriateness of rations. Your support can help scale this program to serve more undernourished children and cancer-afflicted households across vulnerable regions.

Our mission

Our mission

is to alleviate the burden and provide a compassionate lifeline to these courageous individuals during their arduous journey.
At Meals of Happiness, we understand the profound challenges faced by migrant cancer patients and their families. Battling a life-threatening illness while navigating unfamiliar territories can be an overwhelming experience, leaving many in dire need of comprehensive support.

Medical Assistance

Ensuring Access to Care

The cost of cancer treatment can be staggering, especially for migrant families with limited resources. At Meals of Happiness, we understand that access to quality medical care should never be compromised due to financial constraints. Our medical assistance program helps cover the expenses of essential medicines, PET/MRI scans, and other critical diagnostic tests, ensuring that no patient is left behind in their battle against cancer.

Holistic Healing

Nurturing Mind, Body, and Soul

Cancer takes a toll not only on physical health but also on mental and emotional well-being. Our holistic approach to care recognizes the importance of addressing the whole person. Through special workshops focusing on therapeutic practices like yoga, dance, and meditation, we create a safe spacefor migrant cancer patients and their families to find solace, cultivate inner strength, and build a supportive community.

Companionship & Emotional Support

You Are Not Alone

Navigating the complexities of cancer treatment can be an isolating experience, especially for those far from home. Our dedicated team makes weekly visits to migrant cancer patients and their families, offering a listening ear, words of encouragement, and a supportive presence. These visits foster a sense of community and ensure that no one faces this journey alone.

Meals of Happiness

believes every person deserves opportunity to support themselves and reach their full potential. Our Women Empowerment program ‘Help Them Rise’ provides vocational training and sustainable livelihoods to help women facing adversity lift themselves out of poverty.

Life Skills and Career Development

Equipping Women with Independence

We offer training in tailoring, embroidery, bag-making and other micro-enterprise skills. Women gain qualifications to start home-based businesses or seek employment. We also provide counselling on health, hygiene, financial literacy and women’s rights to foster confidence and well-being.

Ethical Fashion Enterprise

Economic Empowerment Through Craft

Trainees learn traditional Indian textile crafts like Kantha stitch to create high-quality, handmade products. Our social enterprise Help Them Rise markets their work online and to retailers, providing a fair wage and pathway out of poverty. The cooperative model builds community while respecting local artisanal traditions.

Business Training and Mentorship

Helping Dreams Take Flight

Beyond training, we provide business planning, financial literacy, inventory and marketing mentorship. Mentors ensure the sustainability of home-based businesses. Our infrastructure helps entrepreneurs access markets and expand. Since inception, hundreds of women have gained self-reliance through our programs.

About MOH

Meals of Happiness (MoH) is a non-profit dedicated to reducing hunger and providing nutritious meals to India’s less privileged. We serve  700-800 hot meals  daily to underprivileged children and cancer patients. Additionally, we distribute monthly rations to 150 families in need.

